Sunday, January 8, 2012

Creative exercise #4 - Divine Romance - questions

Above some beach photos from yesterday - with some enhanced color-the beach always inspires me!

 These questions accompanied the exercise to take photos outside of things that inspire me:

  1. Was this an activity that you enjoyed or found difficult? What about it did you find enjoyable/difficult?  Enjoyable - love to take pictures of God's creation
  2. If you found it enjoyable, will this be an activity you will make a regular part of "filling your well"? If so, how often are you going to do it? When will you start (set a date)? I do this now - but maybe I will be more regular about it - especially since I have this new awesome compact camera always with me!
  3. If you found it difficult, what could you do differently next time to make it a more enjoyable experience? How will you carry that out next time? When will you do it (set a date)?
  4. Out of the pictures you took (or video you shot), what resonated with you the most?  Hard to say - I love closeup shots that show texture - but anything looking out over the water always resonates with me!
  5. What is it about those pics (or video footage) that spoke to you? Was it God speaking to a current life situation? Or maybe speaking to your creative soul? Be as specific as possible.  God is the ultimate creator and we are made in His image - His creation is what sparks my creative juices.
  6. How could you use this information to inform your art-making process?  I would  like to incorporate more altered photos in my art.  I really admire artists like Angela Cartwright who takes photos and paints them with watercolors - 
  7. What steps will you take to incorporate your findings so that they become a part of your unique creative voice? What would be the first step? When will you start?  I've already used photos as art starters - I would like to continue and use more of my photos as altered art - starting at any time!

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